Love the irony - a Preserve with 770 houses. What the heck are they preserving? Inappropriate? Alert us. Reply Post new. hsvresident1 August 18, 2010 at 3:45PM. Follow. The swamp land on the creek's banks running thru the Preserve. ...
Despite a wave of press blove/b, though, the listing hasn't exactly led a charmed life. It first hit the market in September '08 asking $4.05 million. Several disappearing acts, chops, and broker switches later, the ask is $2.79 million. b..../b @Central Harlem Anonymous: Harlem is technically on the island of Manhattan but in real bestate/b terms, this is NOT a "Manhattan townhouse". It is a Harlem townhouse and it is worth significantly less than it would be if it were a ...
It's surrounded by a lot of land to go four-wheeling on, the bGreen/b River is close and the whole thing is encircled by mountains. I wasn't planning on going this year as I like to save all of my bvacation/b for my birthday, ... I blove/b cousin bonding time. They all played Harry Potter Clue (which looked way harder than Clue should be) while I took pictures. Playing up to our skills (o: The house is very open, so no matter what's happening, you can feel like part of the action. ...